Saturday, September 15, 2007


I first had german chocolate pie from a pie shop and was hooked!
It is the best of pecan and chocolate pie!
It is always the favorite at a party or dinner.
You should give it a try!


3/4 cup Sugar

1/3 cup Corn Starch

1/8 tsp. Salt

3 Egg Yolks

3 cups Milk

1 cup Coconut

1 (4 oz.) bar Baker's German Sweet Chocolate Bar - melted

1 1/2 tsp. Butter

1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla

Topping - see below

Put sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a cooking pan, stir. Mix together
egg yolks and milk, stir. Mix egg/milk mixture to dry ingredients,
stir. Add coconut and melted German sweet chocolate bar, stir. Cook
over medium heat until mixture thickens and starts to bubble, stir
constantly (I use a wire whisk). When bubbling starts remove from heat
and add butter and vanilla. Pour into baked pie shell.

Put a sheet of plastic wrap directly on top of the pie filling as this
will keep that scabby layer from forming on the pie while it cooling.
Set pie in refrigerator to cool.

Topping - You can make a regular meringue topping and it will be very
good I prefer the following.

Small carton of Heavy Whipping Cream

Powdered Sugar to taste

Put whipping cream in mixer and mix till stiff peaks form. Add
sugar to taste. Place on top of pie.

HINT: If you put your mixing bowl and beater in the freezer for a
little while the cream will whip up much better.

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