Thursday, February 21, 2008

debt management

Staying out of debt is almost impossible these days. I think it is so much the me generation, we buy things even when we can't afford them. It's a different mentality than that of my parents who only bought what they could and can afford. There are so many people out there now trying to help you get on track with your debt like Dave Ramsey, etc. I think our main debt is our house and vehicles. I can't really imagine not having a house payment. I think some people work toward getting the house paid off and I think that is wonderful, but it's not a priority for me now. I remember times when we had other debt like credit cards and bank loans that the payments were as much as our salary. That is scary! Especially when you don't see a way out! Fortunately we were never forced to declare bankruptcy and were always able to get money from another pot to pay off something and now we just don't use credit cards very often. Maybe for large purchases, but not for day to day things. A good Debt Managment Plan helps to avoid bankruptcy. Being in a hopeless situation is so hard, but there are tools to help you get out of debt.

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