Monday, August 25, 2008


1. What are you up to today? Be specific. We’ve talked about your morning routine before, now walk us through a typical Monday for you after breakfast is over. How do you feel about Mondays? A fresh start to your week? Or do you dread the drudge of getting back to the same old routine?

I usually eat something quickly while feeding Izzy her breakfast while checking email and blogs etc. The time I spend feeding izzy is true multi-tasking because I am stuck sitting and try to do all the sit down things I can like make phone calls etc. So when we get finished eating breakfast I pick things up and make the beds if I haven’t already. Then I start laying out clothes for school and getting things ready for her lunch. The mornings seem to be a big feed fest :)… I usually feed her a noon and watch the first part of 7th heaven. Then I get her dressed and me ready and take her to school. I look forward to Mondays. I like the start of a new week and it’s nice to have a quiet house after a hectic weekend.

2. Earworms - we all get them from time-to-time. What tune do you have stuck in your head at the moment? How important is music to your life? List some of your favorite songs - and I’m talking about songs that evoke a strong emotion in you; joy, anger, sadness, etc. Do you have one particular song that brings back a certain time period in your life? What is the song and what is the time period?

It’s a song we sang in church today. It goes something like, “waves of mercy waves of grace everytime I look I see your face your love has captured me… every step I take i take in you you make me move jesus every breath i take i breath in you…” I listen to music all day. All types. I have been listening to a few cd’s this past week. Mama Mia and Nathan Tasker. The song “Slip, Slide, and away,” takes me right back to 4-5th grade. The news station always played it while rolling the schools closing due to snow or ice. I loved that song. And more than that loved having a day out of school!

3. Who have you needed to say thank you to lately? Who is this person and what did he/she do to prompt a thank you?

Mom. She is always there for me and I take her for granted. There aren’t many people who love you totally unconditionally. She does. She comes down everyday to help with Izzy’s therapy.

4. How many candles will be on your birthday cake this next birthday? What do you think about the age you are now? Are you comfortable with what you’ve accomplished in life so far? Or do you wish you could have achieved more? You’re being granted one birthday wish - what is it?

A lot. It’s old :)… Nah, I just don’t feel as old as I am in years. I am almost enjoying it though, I feel like I am finished with the young petty stuff. I’m not really happy with what I have accomplished in some areas while in others I am. Izzy’s accident was definitely a setback… but the kids are all such good kids and I’m proud of them. Very proud. One birthday wish? What else? Izzy walking & talking!

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