Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emelia came home from school early today. She called from school because she had a temperature. She ended up sleeping almost all day. I had a weird piercing sinus headache and Izzy didn’t seem like herself either.

Amanda is all signed up and scheduled to take her ACT in December. She was very sick the day she was supposed to take it. She has decided to apply to OU and is planning to room with her friend from school. I like this friend and they are both very studious so I think it’s a good plan. Senior year is crazy! Yearbook $80. Each ACT pop is over $50. Cap and Gown $200. Senior pics $100 so far. College Apps. $40 and up. It’s something every few days!

We had a meeting last night about our monthly “for ladies only” service. This month we’re giving away turkeys to single moms. So we discussed collecting and distrubuting the turkeys. We serve dinner to any ladies (and their kids) who attend the service. I look forward to it every month. Bailey is going to help collect turkeys and then carry them to cars for the ladies.

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1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful idea to give the turkeys to single mom's Annie !

    They must really appreciate it during the holidays, and especially with the economy making grocery prices so high lately !

    Loving Annie
