Tuesday, November 25, 2008


For Today…

Outside my window… it’s chilly and sunny!

I am thinking…Monday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week. Time for catching up and having a little quiet time…

I am thankful for…Great improvements in Izzy’s feet today. I am measuring each Monday as instructed by the orthotist. I wasn’t sure about my last measurement because I thought maybe I wasn’t getting it right, but after our visit last Monday we were right on track with what Gary measured so I felt confident today to measure and to tell you that I think we have made huge gains in her feet. I’m seeing 8 degrees at least just in this one week. That is HUGE!!! I know the difference has been her wearing them while sleeping. I am so thankful that she has been able to do that now for several nights and she seems less and less annoyed when she wakes up and realizes they are on her feet.

From the kitchen…I bought a big pack of lean ground beef and you know you can’t just throw it in the freezer or you have a brick… so I need to fix it today or it will be bad, gb just doesn’t keep long at all! I am going to cook it all and then make a big batch of chili. I may freeze half for later when turkey is getting old.

I am wearing…the t-shirt and pajama pants I slept in.

I am reading…nothing really… although considering re-reading the twilight series after seeing it Saturday. Any suggestions for a good read?

I am hoping…to get a lot done today!

I am creating…a picture of me and mom for a frame that has had the picture that came in it. I put a picture of me and mom that I printed in black & white from the family reunion with my grandfather. He is not doing well at all. Please keep him in your prayers.

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