Tuesday, December 9, 2008

last weekend...

How was your Sunday? Saturday? Mine were incredibly uneventful. But, that’s a good thing. Saturday I didn’t leave the house one time. Not once! I shopped for groceries Friday and just didn’t have to get anything. I had french bread pizzas for lunch and ham sandwiches on the sourdough bread I bought Friday at Panera for dinner… had pork loin to put in the crockpot for dinner Sunday after church and let everyone hit the freezer for dinner.

We have a guest speaker this week at church… Sherlock Bally. Pretty interesting. He speaks about prophecy and is informative and entertaining at the same time. I really enjoyed the day.

I had a ton of good coupons to different stores that all expired yesterday… and a great one that was for today only. But I guess there is something to be said for not spending any money all weekend… even though I could have saved so much money by spending? Oh well, tomorrow brings a new day and more coupons! I remember the days of cutting out coupons for disposable diapers.

Good News! I got the kids pic for our Christmas cards and ordered them last night. I’m really please with the picture and can’t decide if I should post it or not… what do you think?

I plan to make chicken spaghetti tomorrow night. We’ll have salad and garlic toast.

I bought a huge bag of chicken breasts from Sams so we’ll probably have chicken a few times this week.

Maybe bbq chicken and baked potatoes Tuesday! Sounds good. I wish my family shared my love for bbq sauce and did you see that special on channel 13 about the taste test? Bull’s Eye won blind test after blind test so I bought some. It is good. Mom makes delicious homemade bbq sauce but hasn’t lately. Mom! Make some!

Wednesday we’ll have burgers and fries. health food.

Thursday french bread pizzas… and salad.

Friday I’m thinking about having carryout chinese food… or something like that.

They had this fudge at Sam’s Friday when I was shopping for food. They were passing out samples. It’s called fudgie wudgie. I accepted a sample and I have to tell you it was like having a little piece of heaven right in my mouth. I bought a pound. I ate it all. Well, not all… I shared it. But it’s gone and now all I can think about is going back to Sam’s and buying more. Sad but true. Tis the season.

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