Sunday, December 7, 2008

my new boots

So I have mentioned at least twice, maybe even three times what I remembered to be the worst Christmas present I received (as a child). So on Black Friday mom and I were shopping. I saw and tried on a pair of boots greatly reduced for early bird special at JCP. Mom swooped in and paid for them happy to have a Christmas gift bought. I didn’t object. Until Sunday. I got dressed in a brown long skirt that I had in the spring/summer months and wore really cute brown sandals. It was like 40 degrees so those shoes were completely out of the question. Knowing what a nice person my mom is I called her (at 9 a.m. as I was rushing out to church) and said, “my outfit today would be perfect with those brown boots.” to which she replied, “do you want to wear them?” duh … “why, yes! I would love to wear them!.” She left them on the front porch on her way to church and I slipped them on and out I went.

I came home and put them back in the box, not saying goodbye… just til we meet again at Christmas. Mom asked later in the day how the boots were and I said that I really like them and had packed them up to return to her for wrapping. She said I could just keep them with one condition. That I never mention that gift again from my childhood. So… I won’t. It’s as if it never happened. Thanks mom. I heart you.

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